Friday, April 8, 2011

My first 3D scan! On site set acquisition.

I have been working on some projects in the uni and so though about if I could possibly do something about dummy geometry models
I used a bunch of photographs (of a friend's backyard) to create a point cloud (photosynth) and then meshed it with meshlab. Voila I had a decent dummy geometry ready in one day! Now that I know its achievable, its time to do some more tests for my actual backplate.
Still need to work on textures..trying to get the texture from the point cloud data itself using meshlab..
Below are some results of the same (mesh rendered with ambient occlusion within meshlab)


Nate Lawrence said...

Just a suggestion for showing screenshots: you might want to embed them with

Here are your two screenshots from this post, already converted.

(Blogger won't let me embed them in a comment, but it will let you embed them in the blog post just fine.)

You can find the embed code below them to paste into your entry, if you wish. You can also modify the height of the embed there in the embed code.


bhavesh pandey said...

Thanks Nate! This is very handy indeed.