Sunday, January 23, 2011

time for creative destruction!!

I have been looking for this!!
(not the effect demonstrated here but my first post since I moved to Bournemouth! :D )
The effect is still WIP, there are many ways it could be presented and I'm still not sure if I will get the time to finish it and add some eye candy stuff to it..
It has been a WIP for a loooooooooong time now since I have been very tied up with the assignments at my Uni (and i mean it quite literally).

Its a procedural tool which would sort of cubically disintegrate a given geometry..The effect is kept very symmetric in a sense that all the cubes are of the same size and evenly distributed through out and within the geometry. It could be done with randomized distribution too but I felt having some geometric / symmetric underlying structure in the effect exhibited some interesting elements to it.

Conceptually its very similar to Diffusion Limited Aggregation, only that its actually the converse of the process/concept. The geometry is broken down based off some rules and conditions and there are options to randomly/or selecting a pattern in the portions of the geometry which are sort of untouched by the effect.

I guess i have already posted a similar effect which was tested out on an Utah teapot and this effect is based on same work/concept with some features added in later on.

I guess thats it for now....lets get back to my assignments..(and its freaking 4.42 am int the morning..this is brilliantly insane!)
adios amigos!!

1 comment:

anand zaveri said...

nice one buddy.. i loved the lil drama that u added with a few pieces left out and disintegrating later.. keep it up man... i wonder where the inspiration came from..