Tuesday, August 17, 2010

particles using OpenFrameworks

Hey....so I was just fiddling with openFrameworks and finally I have something crappy which I could put
up online :D
This is just a rough test of a very basic Particle system, I did just to make myself comfortable with programming using OpenFrameworks....
Total number of particles = 50000..
Ok, i did work quite a bit to get something as crappy as this....so be warned of how crappy it could have been
had I put in my 100% of crappyness :P
Yea..I get it..I got a real bad sense of tumor....errrr humor....or so I have been told..anyways..

I found it very much analogous to working with Houdini..
Houdini ==> Create an Emitter, Set the Parameters for Particles.. ie. Life, color, spee, position etc..
and then copy spheres or circles to those Points....simple :)

OpenFrameworks ==> Create a Emitter Class, a Particle class....initialize and set the values of variables used.....write a main() funtion to start the application..thats about it....I had position data in an array....so finally i just created circles using the x,y position data at draw time....(which is analogous to copying circles to points!)

before amnesia kicks in allow me to put some images....(video would have been cooler...but screencapture's not working..)

finally I managed to get OpenFrameworks to write out each frame to an image sequence before drawing anything....I then stitched them together using ffmpeg..
here's it goes :)

I think if I could come up with some nice interactivity using OpenFrameworks with Houdini, it would be pure awesomeness!

gotta test more.....

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