Wednesday, March 11, 2009

abomination!! ------->volume shading and rendering

this is not some abomination bashing up the hulk..
i was pretty saturated with the crater project and decided to take a break
to do some fun stuff!
Having always wanted to get my hands on a scene where something breaks and releases
particles into air.
Well, so I decided to get going with a scene where a sortt of a statue falls on the ground and breaks
releasing dust in air.
The result was pure ABOMINATION!
The spurt of dust looks more like a bomb explosion's smoke.
Clearly I increased the number of particles being emitted in my utter enthusiasm.

No complains....learnt great stuff about volumes and shading volumes etc..More importantly,
got few ideas for the shader used for the smoke!
I'm putting a Low Res test render pic up here.

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